If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, it may be returned within 14 days of receipt of the order for a refund or an exchange. Return shipping costs are at the customer's expense, except in the case of a manufacturing defect or if you received the wrong product due to an error on our end.
To request a return, please email us at: hello@kaloes.com, indicating your order number and the reason for your request. We will provide you with the necessary return instructions.
Returned items must be unworn/unused and in their original packaging (the box containing the purse must also be in excellent condition).
Any item returned soiled and/or damaged by the customer will not be accepted.
Upon receipt of the package, KALOES will assess the condition of the returned product(s), which should be perfect. No return will be accepted if returned product(s) has (have) been visibly used or damaged by the customer, such use or damage rendering the product(s) unfit for sale.
If the return is refused by KALOES for the aforementioned reasons, the product(s) will be returned to the customer at their expense without the customer being able to demand any compensation or right to reimbursement, with the exception of the subsequent exercise of its warranty rights on the products sold.
We strive to provide quality shipping services and we hope that you will be satisfied with your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.